Sunday, June 29, 2008

Seeing the Connection

I recently had one of those synchronistic events that have been known to change the course of my life. For a good while I've been looking for a way to help people make the connection between what they ingest and how their food choices help or harm themselves and the Earth. This blog is one way of doing that, but I was looking for a way to align my worklife with my passions and values.

Then I heard a talk at work by a holistic nutrition counselor and suddenly I was the proud owner of yet another "Aha!" moment. She was demonstrating how to make smoothies, of all things, and for a full hour I found myself nodding in agreement with almost everything she said. (She did teach me a few things, in all fairness, not the least of which was how to make several delicious smoothies.) But I walked out thinking, "Why am I not up there in front of a roomful of people doing this???", bringing my passion for personal health and the health of the planet together. It was the perfect blend.

So, I've found a distance education nutrition school that in about a year will allow me to become a certified holistic nutrition counselor. It feels right, and I am confident that now is the best time to expand my personal healing journey so it can benefit others. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What's Your Earth Day Resolution?

Happy belated Earth Day!

In lieu of a post yesterday, I thought it would be fun to see what all my loyal readers (I hope that's at least one or two of you out there ;-)) resolved to do yesterday, to save the Earth in the coming year. Sort of an Earth-Day resolution that with any luck will last more than a month.

Post a comment below and let's get this dialogue started!